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Change Game Language Ps3

Most games usually feature either several languages, English with subtitles, or, well, just English-only. But in about all cases I encountered, not counting PS1/2 classics, there were several languages included, so, that shouldn't be the problem.' Selection', though, many games, even big ones like the Batman Arkham games, will not have a language menu themselves, they simply rely on your console settings.


Change Game Language Ps3 Download

So, if you want a specific language, you'll have to change your PS3's system language to whatever you desire for the duration of you playing the game.This does not cause any problem and is done quite quickly, but I'd still prefer if developers would simply have a option for that in-game.But yeah, ultimately: The final approach depends on the game, obviously, but most of them feature at least English and subtitles, that's my experience, at least, in the end it's still worth checking before you buy a specific game.Have fun. I was looking at Wipeout recently in a used games store in Dublin. The edition I bought was English, but another edition, obviously imported, in the shop had 4/5 other languages on it.


How To Change Game Language

French, Dutch, Italian for sure and (I think) German and one more (Spanish?). Had English been stated as an option, or had it been in a gameshop in my city and thus allowed me to go home and check I'd have bought this one. As I can't find any images of the cover online, I am now kicking myself that I didn't anyway as I have enough French/Dutch to be able to understand the game anyway. Italian/German/Spanish would have been a bit trickier.